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Reflections on "Keep in touch with the people." Perceptions of aid in Ukraine's changing context, July 2023"

Writer's picture: Thomas ByrnesThomas Byrnes

As someone who has worked in social protection for a number of years, I was really interested in a recent report on the perceptions of humanitarian assistance in Ukraine, ""Keep in touch with the people." Perceptions of aid in Ukraine's changing context, July 2023" published by Ground Truth Solutions "

While the Ukriane context is in many ways unique, it surfaced some key insights that got me thinking about how we can continue strengthening crisis response through social protection systems.

Here are the big takeaways I noted:

🚸 Overloaded systems still need nuanced targeting. Ukraine rapidly scaled assistance using digital platforms, but older groups, people with disabilities and more still slipped through the cracks. We need flexibility even within systems. "68% of older people in Ukraine remained in high need." hashtag#SocialProtection

🗣️ Don't forget communities! 53% of people with disabilities felt unsupported, pointing to major gaps. Complementing systems with community validation checks and outreach is key for inclusion. "Support older people by helping them with aid applications." hashtag#LeavingNoOneBehind

💳 Choice matters, but context too - Ukraine saw high demand for cash, but markets must function. Vouchers and in-kind aid still played a role in strained areas. We need to remain adaptable. "People think the aid they receive helps, but wish it was either cash so they can address adapting needs." hashtag#CashTransferProgramming

🧓🏻 Update social pensions & assistance. With 68% of older people still highly vulnerable, topping up regular payments in crises is crucial. Social registries enable this responsiveness. "Older people have one of the highest levels of needs among other groups." hashtag#ShockResponsiveSP

🚐 Displacement stretches hosts thin. High needs for housing among IDPs in Ukraine shows how crises spill over. Planning for secondary shocks is vital. 27% of IDPs cited housing as a need. hashtag#RefugeesWelcome

🩺 Fill gaps in social services. 43% of people couldn't access healthcare in Ukraine due to service disruption and burden. Temporary support is essential. hashtag#HealthForAll

📻 Tailor communication to the context. Radio + SMS were vital for older groups in Ukraine. Ensuring authentic engagement with communities prevents exclusion. "Use phone, TV, radio for older people." 

📥 Accountability needs real investment. 75% didn't know how to provide feedback on assistance in Ukraine. This undermines effectiveness and dignity. hashtag#Participation

Keen to hear your lessons from the field! How can we continue strengthening social protection and humanitarian linkages? 💭


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